Research and Development at iKoustic.
We started with MuteMat.Then came MuteStop. Then our piece de resistance, the MuteClip.
All of these products come from a passion for innovation. iKoustic has spent 10 years at the heart of research and development for soundproofing, because we believe that through innovative design, we can bring quieter spaces to everybody.
Keeping innovation at the centre of iKoustic’s operations requires investment. Over the past three years, this investment has been channelled towards the creation of a new world-leading research and development process, designed by our Innovations Engineer Gabriel Whittle with the assistance of staff at the Acoustics Research facility at the University of Salford. This partnership has led to several ground-breaking new methods for the design and optimisation of soundproofing products.
The collaboration between iKoustic and the University of Salford has been completed through a Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP), where a 31-month project is managed by our engineer, Gabriel.
In a nutshell, the project that Gabriel embarked on involved identifying the best methods for prediction and testing of sound insulating partitions, and implementing these at the company.
The outcome of this is a prediction model able to predict how a partition will behave acoustically with a change in product in the model. In addition, a state-of-the-art testing facility has been designed and built at the company, offering iKoustic the ability to test different iterations of a product.
This investment in research and development has led to groundbreaking new research.
Conference Papers
Substructuring paper
Towards a hybrid prediction and testing process for sound insulating partitions.
Radiated Power paper
Towards a low-cost method for measuring the airborne sound
insulation of partitions